Giving back to the community with donated dental services

Dr. Bell has been donating his dental services to the Austin community for many years now. He does this through various charities and events, this case was referred to us by the Texas Dental Association. This week in fact Dr. Bell will be in Georgetown volunteering his time to serve many patients at no cost to them! Not only does Dr. Bell donate dental services, recently we donated our time to Mobile Loaves & Fishes, providing for those in need. Dr. Bell is also a member of the Sustainable Food Center of Austin, who provide healthy choices for the community.

Ewing before dental treatment

Dr. Bell is a firm believer in giving back to the community which is why he accepts cases as often as possible. Ewing came to us in January of this year with extensive dental needs. A majority of Ewing’s teeth were missing, he was having trouble eating, the remaining teeth were in poor condition.

Improved health and comfort

After several months of treatment, Ewing now has a brilliant smile! His overall health has improved and he can eat whatever he pleases without any discomfort. We just love seeing the transformation in patients, that is why we do what we do. We are always looking for more Donated Dental Cases to take on. All the patients that come through donated dental have disability and can’t work and are on a fixed income. We will share more cases with you in the future and we hope this warms your heart as much as it does ours.

Ewing today

Ewing was a great patient, we really enjoyed working with him and we’re happy to share his story with you!

Watch the video at bottom

Watch the short video at bottom of Ewing at his checkup appointment to see how things were going!