Oral Cancer Screening

Look Good. Feel Great. Smile More.

Oral Cancer Screening in Austin

At Bell Dental Studio, we perform oral cancer screenings as a preemptive measure. If there are any symptoms or warning signs, a regular oral cancer screening can help prompt early treatment and save your life. If not, oral cancer screenings can help reassure you that your oral health is in good condition.

Schedule your oral cancer screening in Austin today by filling out our online form or calling us directly at (512) 399-1115

Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Please be aware of symptoms and warning signs. If a symptom persists for more than 2 weeks, schedule an appointment with Dr. Bell as soon as possible.

Symptoms include:

  • Tenderness, numbness, or pain of the lips of mouth
  • Irritation or soreness that will not go away
  • Unusual white or red patches
  • Difficulty speaking, swallowing, chewing, or moving your tongue
  • A change in your bite
  • A rough spot, thickening, or lump
  • Crust or small eroded area

Oral Cancer Testing with Oral ID

Oral cancer is not a commonly talked about disease, but there has been an increase in the rate of occurrence of oral cancers over recent years. At Bell Dental Studios, we are using a new instrument to screen for oral cancer called the Oral ID. Oral ID uses a proven, optically based technology called “fluorescence technology.”

Oral ID’s fluorescence technology uses a blue light that allows Dr. Michael Bell to identify oral cancer, pre-cancer and other abnormalities at an earlier stage, thus saving lives. This is a simple and painless test that is done at your first initial exam, then yearly with Dr. Bell at no extra cost to you! For more information or questions please contact us!

Visual Exam Using Oral ID

An oral cancer screening is broken down into 2 parts, a visual and physical exam. Before the exam, you will be asked to remove any dental appliance you may have. During the visual exam, we will use a new instrument called the Oral ID. This tool utilizes “fluorescence technology” to illuminate any symptoms of oral cancer.

The blue light emitted by Oral ID allows Dr. Michael Bell to identify:

  • suspicious tissues
  • asymmetries
  • swellings
  • bumps
  • ulcerations
  • other abnormalities

He may use a depressor to hold the tongue down and get a better look at the back of the throat. Visual exams also include a look at your nasal cavity.

  • "They constantly up their game to be on the cutting edge of dental health and patient education."
    Heather H.
  • "Great staff, and Dr. Bell is amazing."
    Taylor O.
  • "Great team of people working with the best dentist in Austin!"
    Steve R.

Physical Exam

The second part of an oral cancer screening is the physical exam. During the physical exam, Michael C. Bell, DDS will examine the jaw, cheeks, under the chin, and into the oral cavity, to feel around for any unusual masses or nodules. He will also check for any immobility in tissue that is meant to be mobile. You may be asked whether any physical contact causes discomfort and to swallow while he examines your throat.

Understanding Your Oral Cancer Screening Results

Keep in mind; abnormal results are not an indication or diagnosis of cancer. Oral cancer screenings are performed on your initial exam and then yearly as a precautionary measure. The test is simple, quick, and usually painless. During the exam, please voice any questions or concerns you may have that are related to your oral health.

Strategies to Reduce Oral Cancer Risk

Unfortunately, there is no real way to prevent oral cancer, but limiting risk factors can increase your chances of maintaining a healthy mouth. If you have a poor diet, drink excessive amounts of alcohol, or used tobacco products, you are at greater risk of developing oral cancer. Changing your habits can significantly decrease your chances and improve your life.

Certain strains of HPV can also put you at risk. The CDC recommends that 11 to 12-year-old children get two doses of an HPV vaccine to prevent cervical and other types of cancer. If you have had oral cancer before, you may be more likely to develop it again. Make sure to maintain regular screenings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is an oral cancer screening painful?

No, oral cancer screenings are painless and typically take only a few minutes.

Can anyone get oral cancer?

Yes, anyone can develop oral cancer, regardless of age, gender, or race. However, certain risk factors, such as tobacco use and excessive alcohol consumption can increase your risk.

What happens if a suspicious lesion is found during a screening?

If your dentist identifies a suspicious lesion or abnormality, they may recommend further diagnostic tests, such as a biopsy. A biopsy involves removing a small tissue sample for laboratory analysis.

Is there a specific age to start getting oral cancer screenings?

It's recommended to start getting regular oral cancer screenings as part of your routine dental checkups, typically beginning in your early adult years. However, the frequency of screenings may vary depending on your individual risk factors.

Can oral cancer spread to other parts of the body?

Yes, oral cancer can spread to other parts of the body, including the lungs, liver, and bones. Early detection and treatment are essential to prevent the spread of the disease.

Contact Austin's Trusted Dentist for Your Oral Health Needs

If you would like to learn more about our cancer screening process, call (512) 399-1115and schedule an office visit today.