What Are YOUR Thanksgiving Traditions? Here Are OURS!

PieFOR MOST PEOPLE, Thanksgiving means gratitude, food, and family. Those are the common threads. But people also have fun, unique, or unusual traditions that surround the holidays.

Our Team Members Share Their Thanksgiving Traditions…

Lou Ann

My Family tradition has always been to have a house filled with family and friends. I cook for weeks before and love every minute of it. When I moved to Texas it was important to me to do the holidays like my mom use to, way too much food and to welcome and serve the special people in our lives! And of course, you have to have football with dessert!


It’s not Thanksgiving at my house until my Grandma’s Apple Pie shows up. Forget the Turkey ! It’s all about the pie!


Thanksgiving is all about getting as many of the family members together at our house, we cook like we are cooking for an army! My kids love it they get all the dishes they love like my broccoli rice casserole, sweet potato casserole , pies and grandma’s home made stuffing. We invite any friends who don’t have somewhere to go , so usually about 20 people!


Thanksgiving is a fun time to get together with family and friends and enjoy their company. Now that my children are grown I go to friends that are like my family. We enjoy alot of good food, we have fried Turkey and a baked Turkey . We all bring our favorite side to share.


Every year for Thanksgiving for over 20 years I attend a family reunion for 3 days and 2 nights. This year is small only 90 people! Surprisingly we all get along and have a great time! My favorite time of the year.


Thanksgiving is about family Eating tons and football !

Dr. Bell

Fried Turkey! I fry the turkey, and everyone eats it.

We’d Love To Hear About YOUR Traditions Too!

As the holidays approach, what traditions are you looking forward to? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below, or on our Facebook page.

BTW, Is Charlie Brown Part Of Your Thanksgiving Memories?

Have A Happy Thanksgiving!

Speaking of gratitude… We’re so grateful for each of you—our valued patients and friends. Because of you, we love working here each day. We’re thankful for our relationships with you, and for the trust you place in us.

We wish you a very happy holiday season!