Why Are Switching to Oryx Practice Management Software

StaffWe’re excited to announce that we are in the process of updating to a new software called Oryx (from Dentrix) to manage your care. Here’s some information about Oryx!

  • Oryx is a single, global cloud-based platform that offers everyone in our dental office the ability to serve or patients more efficiently and effectively.
  • Engagement tools for patients like you, along with a science-based clinical module, automated risk assessment and diagnosis, and billing and advanced reporting all in one place. 
  • Not only is data gathering more efficient and beneficial for your care now, but Oryx was also designed specifically to align with our Kois Center training. 
  • When coming in for the first time as a new patient or getting a regular check-up, Oryx helps us provide a full mouth health report on your teeth, gums, bite and jaw joint and appearance. 
  • One of the things we’re most excited about how patient-centered and patient-friendly Oryx is. You will walk out the door with a color-coded written report— with red for areas that need immediate attention, yellow for areas that need to be monitored and may become concerns down the road, and green for healthy areas of the mouth that function well and look good. 
  • We are training and learning the new Oryx software, and should be converted over the next month or so.  Our goal is to be ‘live’ on Oryx by November 1st.
  • While we do not anticipate any difficulties on the conversion, if there are some ‘hiccups’……pardon our progress!

We can’t wait for you to experience it and look forward to seeing you during your next appointment! If you’re due for a checkup visit, call us at 512.327.7750.